Team Tommy Day Honors Face the Music Ally Tommy McClenahan

In Loving Memory of Tommy McClenahan
Tommy was a bright light that was extinguished far too early by an accidental drug overdose on August 10, 2018. At just 24 years old, he left an indelible impact on his family, friends and virtually everyone with whom he connected, through his humor, charm and warmth. Throughout his short life, Tommy touched the lives of many. He had a knack for making all those around him feel as though they were the most important person in the room. He also had a mischievous side that was superseded by his charm and wit that always left you with a huge smile on your face.
Tommy’s humor and charm were eclipsed only by his passion for helping others. He was a true champion of the underdog, whether it was a child with special needs, someone being bullied or one of the many friends he met through his journey at Recovery Unplugged. Tommy made sure his friends in the recovery community knew he had their back. While in treatment, he frequently spoke of family and mentioned how humbled he was that he had the full emotional and financial support of his family.
We are confident that Tommy would have eagerly embraced the opportunity to continue to support Face the Music, and we are comforted in the reality that his legacy can include helping others with limited financial means access treatment and reclaim their lives from drug and alcohol addiction. We are unspeakably grateful for his enduring support of the recovery and salvation of others, and for his ardent advocacy of his friends and loved ones when we were fortunate enough to have him in our lives.
Honoring Tommy’s Legacy
One of the tragic realities of addiction is that it is a lifelong struggle. Even those with the most committed and capable support system can find themselves vulnerable to relapse. With the help of invaluable contributions from people like you, Face the Music remains committed to helping as many people as possible empower themselves to overcome addiction and maintain their recovery through treatment, advocacy and ongoing support.
If you would like to join the fight against addiction, please feel free to make a tax-deductible contribution by clicking the “donate” button below. Your gift will go toward helping substance use disorder survivors with limited means get the treatment and support they need to successfully launch their recovery, reclaim their dignity and rebuild their lives.