FTM Partner Recovery Unplugged to Be Featured on A&E’s Addiction Unplugged

Face The Music Foundation ally Recovery Unplugged Treatment Centers will be featured on this weekend’s episode of A&E’s Addiction Unplugged. Director of Outreach, Joseph Gorodo, along with other members of the Recovery Unplugged team, will be featured on the episode, highlighting how Recovery Unplugged uses music-based treatment to help their clients heal from substance use disorder. The episode airs Saturday, August 24th at 1pm EST on A&E.
Addiction Unplugged is a documentary series that takes a raw and unflinching look at individuals impacted by addiction and substance use disorder, their recovery, and their stories of hope throughout the United States. Each episode focuses on a person, company, or organization that’s working to positively impact the drug epidemic which, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is killing over 68,000 people a year in the United States.
Humanizing the Battle against Addiction
The goal of Addiction Unplugged is to help bring awareness and reduce the stigma associated with substance abuse by showing raw narratives from the perspective of addicts and their friends and families. The series aims to humanize drug dependency by stressing the real experiences and gritty situations that addicts face daily. Creator and executive producer Stuart Goffman said, “Those who survive, and their families, are subjected to stigma and shame. By humanizing addiction and showing inspirational stories of recovery and hope, ‘Addiction Unplugged’ aims to shift this dynamic.”
Using Music to Treat Substance Abuse
This episode’s theme, Music & Recovery, observes and studies how music can make a difference to addicts in the recovery process, especially at locations like Recovery Unplugged’s Austin Treatment Center. By Recovery Unplugged teaming up with Addiction Unplugged, the goal is to inspire those suffering from substance abuse by showing them real examples on how music can heal and help addicts overcome the obstacles which prevent them from getting clean and living their life.
Face the Music with Us
Many never seek treatment for addiction because of the cost. Face the Music Foundation is looking to help as many people as possible take the financial worry out of addiction treatment so they don’t have to choose between their savings and their sobriety. We need your help to get it done.